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10 Indices That Your Arteries Are Clogged

Having clogged arteries might be risky. They can result in a number of health problems, the most serious of which being hypertension and heart attacks.

The blood channels that distribute oxygenated blood throughout your body are called arteries.

They transport this blood to all major and minor organs in your body, including your brain, muscles, and even the tips of your fingers and toes. Because the walls of healthy arteries are smooth and free of blockages, blood may flow through them without restriction.

On the walls of clogged arteries, however, are deposits of plaque. A heart attack may result from these plaques’ reduction of blood flow or possibly their complete obstruction of it.

Recognizing the Indications

It’s critical to recognize the early warning symptoms of blocked arteries in order to treat the condition before it becomes so dangerous for your health. Fortunately, blocked arteries may be improved with a few easy dietary and activity changes. Your doctor may also prescribe some medicine to assist keep your arteries in check if they are fairly significantly blocked or if heart issues run in your family. Consult your physician immediately to determine the best course of action if you exhibit any of these 10 warning indicators of blocked arteries.

1.Pain in the Chest

Another name for chest discomfort is angina. It is the outcome of accumulated plaque in the arteries that supply the heart, which reduces blood flow to the organ. Angina often starts in the breast bone area of the chest and can spread to the jaw, upper back, left arm, or shoulder. See your physician right away if you are still feeling discomfort and stiffness in your chest.

your lower legs or feet are not healing properly.


If you are having trouble breathing, it may be due to blockage in your pulmonary arteries. While feeling out of breath after a physical exertion, such as ascending stairs, is natural, if it persists for longer than usual or is more frequent while you are inactive, you should see a doctor.

3.One side of your body experiencing weakness or numbness

You may feel weak or numb on one side of your body if your carotid arteries are blocked or have reduced blood flow. The arteries on either side of the neck that provide blood to the head are called carotid arteries. They both divided into two branches, one of which supplies blood to the brain and eyes and the other to the exterior regions of the head, the face, and the tongue.

4.Slurring of speech

Speaking slurred might be an indication of several different disorders. The blockage of your carotid arteries is one of them. This may be the external branch that transports blood to the tongue or the internal branch that delivers blood to the brain.

5.Loss of Vision

Loss of vision is a sign of a blocked carotid artery outer branch. One or both eyes may be affected by this. See your doctor as soon as possible if you suddenly get impaired vision or a diminished ability to see.

6.Leg ache

There are a gazillion possible reasons why you can be hurting in your legs. Peripheral artery blockage might be one of these causes. Your arms and legs are made up of these arteries. If you experience pain in one leg and cannot attribute it to anything else, such an accident, you may have an obstructed artery.

7.Chilly feet

It is the cold that affects your extremities when blood flow is restricted. The presence of cold feet may indicate a restriction or blockage in the blood flow to your legs, preventing it from adequately reaching your feet. This can indicate that a peripheral artery is obstructed.

8.Delayed recovery from foot injuries

This is consistent with the mysteriously chilly feet. Blood is needed for wound healing. These wounds will heal slowly or not at all if the blood is not flowing there or is not flowing there enough. Speak with your doctor if you see that wounds in your lower legs or feet are not healing properly.

9.Palpitations in the heart

To be honest, you should consult your doctor if you observe any variations in your heart rate. Heart palpitations may indicate that your blood flow is abnormal when your heartbeat becomes abruptly obvious. This sensation may resemble a hammering, fluttering, or erratic heartbeat. Usually, it just lasts a few minutes or seconds. It’s probable that your throat or neck will also experience these feelings.


Honestly, of what illness is nausea not a symptom? Feeling queasy is one of our body’s most intelligent signals that something is off. Naturally, having nausea does not always indicate that your arteries are congested. However, you should go talk to your doctor about it if it is still present.

The Final Word

Being aware of various health issues and the signs of blocked arteries does not make one a hypochondriac. It’s there to keep you safe instead. You or someone you love may be saved from death if you are aware of the warning signs and symptoms and have the courage to seek medical attention when you do. Be mindful of your symptoms and consult a physician.

Notice: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any queries concerning your health, your current medicine, or your medical condition, you should always see your doctor or another trained health expert. Never ignore medical advice from professionals or put off getting help or treatment because of something you’ve read online.